Friday 14 October 2016

Analytic versus synthetic phonics

Which is the best for adults?  

In my opinion a fully structured synthetic approach supported with analytic.  Without the structure, the compounding effects don't kick in and this is where the real progress is made. The analytic is necessary however because adults are usually reading texts above their reading level. Thus they need and appreciate analytic skills.

The amazing thing is that these approaches are little known by the adult literacy community. Yet the research shows they are both necessary and highly effective. 

Monday 10 October 2016

Keepin it real

A note to the music and comedy industries - my musicians and comedians don't need to be pretty.  In fact, as soon as I see a pretty face I think - 'this ain't authentic'. And it must be authentic to move me. But if it moves me - I'm all in, no matter what.

Image result for bob dylan

To the education industry - pretty ain't nothin. 'Pretty' means 'tryna appeal'. 

Stuff that works is what I want.  Below is a reading routine that works like a mudda. 


Fluency development routine

Support learners to do the following:

Select a text of approximately 300 words
•Skim the text and identify the 7 most difficult words
•Write these words out and spend time decoding them (see decoding routines)
•Begin to read the text aloud while recording and timing it (concentrate on pronouncing the last part of each word)
•Replay the recording while silently reading along - Note the difficult parts and the amount of time taken
•Repeat immediately and compare the difference
•Repeat at least three times during the week (4 minutes a day)
•Compare first attempt to final attempt a week later

Second week: Repeat with new text

If tutoring one-to-one review recordings each session.